Siphons Firenze and Siphons A-N branded REDI

The REDI brand PVC siphons are inspectable siphons for black water, gray water and white water, available from ø 50 to ø 500mm and are used for the discharge of civil and industrial water (white, black and mixed) to solve the problem of bad odors linked to underground pipes.

They must be installed outside the building and cleaning can be done simply by unscrewing the cap. The siphons for sewage are self-cleaning and predisposed for secondary ventilation and are available with both glued and plug-in (O-Ring) joint systems.

All REDI brand siphons are made using only quality raw materials (PVC =/> 85% of the total mix), with thicknesses and sockets according to EN1329 and EN1401 standards.

Where is the siphon positioned in Florence

All Italian municipalities have regulations to manage discharges into sewer systems and the general technical standards for sewer connection and use must be respected for the creation of a new connection to the municipal sewer system.

Generally, these guidelines provide for the implementation of a final sewerage inspection well before entering the municipal sewerage network. These inspection pits must contain an inspectable siphon, and for added safety, the installation of a non-return valve is also recommended.

The presence of an inspectable siphon will make it easier to clear the sewer in case of blockages, guaranteeing safety, cleanliness and efficiency of the system.

How to siphon a sewage sump

Based on the requirements set out in the municipal regulations, downstream of the confluence of the water drainage collection networks, an inspection pit must be positioned which can contain the Florence siphon or other monolithic siphon for sewage.

We recommend installing the siphon in an inspection pit so that it is easily accessible. From the siphon the pipe will continue up to the main sewer pipe to which it will be connected via a special, correctly sized clip, such as the EasyClip connection fitting.

How the Florence type siphon works

The siphon is a device that allows you to block bad odors coming from the drains, using a hydraulic flap. In fact, its task is to prevent it from rising thanks to its characteristic U-shape which creates a water stagnation area which constitutes a hydraulic cap.

The obstacle represented by the clean water trapped in the bend of the siphon blocks the bad smell coming from the sewer pipe in the case of the toilet or from stagnant water in the sink, bidet or shower pipes, preventing it from spreading into the bathroom.

The high siphoning stop with which the REDI brand A-N Siphons are equipped eliminates the risk of emptying the curve, definitively solving the problems of bad odors coming from the ducts.

schema di installazione pozzetto ispezione fognatura con sifone firenze

A-N siphon with high siphoning stop

Thanks to the high siphoning stop of the REDI brand Florence-type siphon for sewage which creates a real hydraulic plug...

sifone firenze funzionamento will finally say goodbye to the bad smells that come from the sewer pipes

Inside homes it may happen more frequently to perceive bad sewage odors, especially for those who live on the first floors, where the smelly rise from the drains is more noticeable.

This happens more frequently during the hottest seasons and in periods of great humidity, and for those who live on the first floors the situation is even more delicate, especially if the connection system to the sewerage network is not well implemented, the presence of the siphon A-N is more decisive than ever.

Con l'installazione di un sifone firenze si eliminano immediatamente i cattivi odori delle condotte fognarie

Aliaxis offers different types of high-performance waste water traps, glued or plug-in.

The monolithic A-N siphon

PVC siphons for waste water (type A-N) with O-Ring connection

Sifoni A-N a marchio REDI con innesto O-Ring
  • Color red RAL 8023
  • Plug-in joint with EN681-1 certified gasket
  • Monolithic body
  • Double screw inspection cap with gasket and increased passage diameter
  • Predisposition for integrated ventilation
  • High siphoning stop, no risk of emptying
  • SELF-CLEANING, thanks to the constant diameter, the speed of the water is not slowed down

PVC siphons for waste water (type A-N) for gluing

Sifoni A-N con giunzione ad incollaggio
  • RAL 2003 orange colour
  • Glued joint with specific glue for PVC
  • Monolithic body
  • Double screw inspection cap with gasket and increased passage diameter
  • Predisposition for integrated ventilation
  • High siphoning stop, no risk of emptying
  • SELF-CLEANING, thanks to the constant diameter, the speed of the water is not slowed down

The traditional Florence siphon

Traditional Florence siphons for glued joints

  • RAL 2003 orange colour
  • Body assembled with welding
  • 1 or 2 screw inspection caps with gasket with narrow inspection inlet
  • Limited siphoning stop with high risk of emptying
  • Predisposition for welded ventilation

V-O siphons for glued joints.

  • RAL 2003 orange colour
  • Monolithic body
  • Inspectable screw cap with gasket
  • Vertical entry and horizontal exit
  • Siphon designed for rainwater drainage
  • Compact, takes up little space
  • Easy to install

A-N self-cleaning siphon and traditional Firenze siphon compared

Self-cleaning A-N siphon

Il Sifone A-N autopulente a marchio REDI è completamente ispezionabile

Fully inspectable. (✓) easy inspection from two sides

Il Sifone A-N a marchio REDI consente l'ispezione a tutto diametro

Full diameter inspection. (✓) wide and comfortable access

Il Sifone A-N a marchio REDI è caratterizzato da un'alta battuta sifonante

Y = siphon stop equal to approximately 3/10 of the diameter (✓) no risk of emptying

Traditional Florence siphon

Il Sifone Firenze tradizionale ha un diametro di ispezione ridotto

1 inspection cap with reduced diameter only. (✘) inspection from one side only

Il Sifone Firenze tradizionale ha una ispezione difficoltosa

Reduced diameter of the inspection opening. (✘) Close and difficult inspection

Il Sifone Firenze tradizionale presenta un alto rischio di svuotamento

Y = siphoning stop equal to approximately 1/10 of the diameter (✘) very high risk of emptying

The A-N Siphon has superior performance compared to the traditional Florence Siphon due to ease of inspection and height of the siphon stop

Installation of A-N siphons on site for connection of waste water pipes to the sewer system

Installazione in cantiere di sifoni A-N per allaccio delle condotte acque nere alla fognatura

Installation of an A-N siphon with push-fit joint on site.

Batteria di sifoni A-N per allaccio delle condotte acque nere alla fognatura con sistema di ventilazione

Installation on site of an A-N siphon with glued joint and integrated ventilation.

All Aliaxis solutions for sewerage

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