Batch number research service

FIP identifies its industrial valves and measurement instruments with a batch number. The FIP batch number appearing on the adhesive label takes the following form:

1 or 2 letters + “/” symbol + a sequence of numbers and/or letters.


DM/731406  DXEAAVLL02E
E/28692A   D23HHVLL0NL          
GA/690848  DSSHHVGG1NL          
AC/928666  DXEAACLL12IP                
00213512   DVTHHVGG0NNT


It may be entered in the field below to identify the code and type of product in your possession.

Please note

  • Make sure you enter capital letters only.
  • No empty spaces should be left between letters and numbers
  • Enter the slash symbol after the initial sequence of letters, if present.
  • If no slash symbol is present, enter the slash between the initial sequence of letters and the sequence of numbers. Example: DG1234567 should be entered as DG/1234567.
  • We recommend to avoid copy-pasting the batch number from other files, writ the batch number directly in the blank field

If your query does not yield any results, contact our technical assistance service at to request information on the code.