Try the new Industry Valve Configurator
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The new configurator to identify a specific FIP valve based on its technical characteristics or the operational requirements of an application is coming.

Online from July 7th, the new Aliaxis Valve Configurator: an interactive online tool that allows you to correctly and quickly identify a specific valve within the complete FIP branded range of over 12,000 codes, simplifying and speeding up interaction with our product range.

The new Configurator will allow you to identify a specific valve based on its technical characteristics or the operational requirements of an application.

This tool offers two search and selection paths:

  • Blue path to search for Product: in this path it is possible to select all the technical characteristics that distinguish each individual valve, quickly identifying the exact code.

  • Pink Search Path by Application: In this path, by answering a guided sequence of questions,  you can easily find the ideal valve that meets the needs and operational requirements of your application.

Using the two search paths available based on the technical characteristics of the valve or the specific requirements of the application, the configurator is able to:

  • Identify the exact valve code
  • Provide a quick and reliable method for selecting and matching compatible accessories
  • Access the online Chemical Resistance Guide for the selection of the most suitable material
  • Compare up to 3 valves based on specifications
  • Access the product sheet of the online catalog to download the technical catalog, data sheet, video tutorial and other detailed info
  • Save and share the configuration of the selection made so that it can be recalled at any time
  • Request a quote directly online for the quantity of interest

Save the date: if you want to attend the webinar on July 20th to discover all the features, sign up here, do it now, places are limited!